Good resources for learning Blender

This post describes my journey learning Blender. I’m by no means an expert but I leveled up my skill high enough so I was able to create some 3D art.

The resources and links below should serve as a guide on how you should approach your journey to learn Blender.

Dabbling vs. Jumping in Headfirst

I started learning Blender by just dabbling with it and acquiring some basic skills, without really knowing what the goals was. Later on I decided to take it more seriously and properly looked up what a 3D artist actually is and what this type of work entails.

If you’d like to dabble with Blender first, then watch Complete Beginners Guide to Blender by Grant Abbit.

Once you’re ready to get serious watch How to Learn 3D Effectively - The Andrew Price Podcast by Andrew Price.


Here are resources I used along my learning path.


It helps to immerse yourself in the field as much as possible. For example, I joined the Discord server Open VFX: The Blender Community.

Blog posts

Educational Videos

Mostly on Youtube.

Grant Abbit

Blender Guru

Josh Gambrell

CG Cookie

Gleb Alexandrov